I have not been on for a long time. I would like to say thanks for all of the recent radio plays. I was planning a quick jaunt down to music city but then the flood hit that week. Still trying to plan a trip down. Also planning a video post on u-tube. Hope to get it up this week. When I do I will post it on my front page.
Our yearly trip down to the gulf also seems like a pipe dream. I don't know how long it is going to take to clean up the gulf, but if its in my lifetime I will considerate a miracle. I cannot believe that people are not voicing their outrage...or is there outrage? Do people realize what has happened?
The giant industrial complex that controls this country has had their way again & nobody seems to care! Has anybody noticed that during this whole debacle gas prices have gone down. Do you think this is a unified effort by the oil industry to help contain outrage? I certainly do.
The fact that the oil industry has been in control during this whole catastrophy
and the United States Navy has not been considered for an intervention underscores the fact that we acknowledge the loss of our technological superiority as a nation. Why haven't the young masterminds in charge simply thrown up their hands and called 1-800-china for help of this mess? That seems to be their solution for all other of our problems today. Why get our hands dirty? LETS JUST OUTSOURCE IT !!!
Sorry, if this is not a wake up call to all that is wrong with our country, I do not know what is.The almighty dollar IS NOT ALL THAT MATTERS!
People should be demanding accountability from BP, from our government and from the idiots who said that all of current off shore drilli was ok in the first place. We need to speak up. This could be our last chance to do so.