It seems like our whole country is blanketed with snow! We have had snow on the ground since Jan 3rd...I think..well, at least it seems like it! I keep telling everyone that we have been lucky the last several years in the fact that we have not had much snow or ice but maybe a storm or two for the last several years. Now we are getting our " payback". Each day I try to get out more and more and resume normal activities but it is hard. this next week they say that we will have temps in the 50's so stay tuned!
Now that the superbowl is over everyone is talking about the BEP performance at halftime. I was asked by several people what I thought. Not being too familiar with the group, I quickly shot back, it was a live performance. I thought it sounded REAL as opposed to pre-recorded. I thought that by mid show they sounded pretty good. Fergie's mic was obviously off when she started, and what alot of people fail to realize is when you are dropped 150-200 feet from the ceiling this might obviously affect your performance. The fear of falling to your death might worry you a tad bit. So if you think they really sucked, you might ask yourself if you would have been at your peak if you had to start your work day the same way?
I think live is ALWAYS better than SYNC. Just my two cents!
Congrats Packers! Hope everyone got their fill of football for a while. Hearing a players strike is on the horizon. Hope not!
Now that the superbowl is over everyone is talking about the BEP performance at halftime. I was asked by several people what I thought. Not being too familiar with the group, I quickly shot back, it was a live performance. I thought it sounded REAL as opposed to pre-recorded. I thought that by mid show they sounded pretty good. Fergie's mic was obviously off when she started, and what alot of people fail to realize is when you are dropped 150-200 feet from the ceiling this might obviously affect your performance. The fear of falling to your death might worry you a tad bit. So if you think they really sucked, you might ask yourself if you would have been at your peak if you had to start your work day the same way?
I think live is ALWAYS better than SYNC. Just my two cents!
Congrats Packers! Hope everyone got their fill of football for a while. Hearing a players strike is on the horizon. Hope not!